QB1: Beyond the Lights season 3 was as much about parenting skills as it was the skill of the three student-athletes looking to take another step towards the NFL.

Nik Scalzo, Spencer Rattler and Lance LeGendre were the trio of quarterbacks who had their professional and personal lives put under the Netflix microscope as each of them received support in very different ways.

For some, a fierce competitive nature ran in the family and a ‘do or die’ approach was strictly installed to supposedly ensure a winning mentality. For others, cuddly love and fanatic support was the foundation for success.

Each quarterback was entirely different on the pitch yet it was the parents who had even less in common…

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The Spencer Rattler family: Success above everything

The most controversial character in season 3 was Spencer Rattler. Ranked the no.1 quarterback in the USA, he was a cut above everyone else on the show, oozing NFL quality whenever he touched the field.

However, his mentality was also unlike anyone else his age.

Although hugely respected by his Pinnacle team-mates for his on-field talents, Spencer’s drive to not only be the best but to belittle everyone else in a competitive scenario – such as during a so-called friendly lemon squeezing competition – clearly had a negative effect on his social life.

Back-up quarterback JD Johnson lead his team into a gigglish fit of snide remarks as they questioned Spencer over his alleged ankle injury, which they clearly knew was a cover-up for a separate incident that resulted in a 30-day school suspension.

They were mocking him because they knew he would never back down and admit he was wrong.

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Spencer’s mentality stems from an extremely talented family and can be typified by the scene where he attended his sister’s high school volleyball game.

Lil sis’ completely demolished the opposition single-handedly. Spencer left the game early and dragged his friends with him, satisfied that the victory was more than guaranteed due to his sibling’s effort.

“That’s a wrap,” Spencer said nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders and walking away from the match with the unflinching swagger of Floyd Mayweather.

It was about watching his sister win and not supporting regardless of the result.

Lance LeGendre’s mother: The true hero of season 3

What more could you ask for in a mother than the love and support shown by Lance LeGendre’s mom?

A single parent with the type of money issues that the other parents could never even imagine, Lance’s mom was the proudest of them all and lived every moment yearning to see her son earn a better life than her own.

Lance constantly referred to the need to succeed in order to give his family a “better life”, desperate to buy his mum and three baby siblings a new house.

It’s the sort of story that would crush your heart should Lance not make it in American football. Yet no matter what happens in Lance’s future, we know that he could never fail in the eyes of his family and that’s what makes his mom so special.

Lance LeGendre mom is literally me. Wherever my baby goes, I’m going! She’s the real MVP of this #QB1 season.

— Julie Ramirez (@Julie_Rebollar) August 23, 2019

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Nik Scalzo’s mum and dad: The complete package

Nik Scalzo was competitive, compassionate and modest – and this is probably why he was season 3’s fan-favourite.

Everything you need to know about their family was put on display during one scene, where the teenage prodigy found out that he had torn his ACL and was sidelined for the remainder of the season.

Understandably, Nik was devastated.

However, the Scalzo family slotted together in perfect harmony, working in a sort of good cop/bad cop fashion.

Dad Jerry laid down the law that Nik had to pick himself up straight away and support his teammates while mother Amber consoled her tearful son and told him that everything was going to be okay as he sobbed on his bed.

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Words can’t describe the amount of pride a father can have for a son stay true to who God made you to be. Love dad

A post shared by Jerry Scalzo (@jerryscalzo) on Feb 25, 2018 at 5:07am PST

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Their parenting is nothing short of admirable. Nik’s ability to function under his dad, who is the assistant manager at Cardinal Gibbons High School, is a tribute to their relationship.

While some have criticized Jerry’s involvement in his son’s sporting development, stating that having a parent as a coach can only be detrimental, their professional and personal relationship was balanced to perfection and produced results not only on the field but off it.

Jerry is Nik’s coach, dad and friend – all in one.

Tender moments where Jerry told his son that he “loved him” because he knew the Netflix crew were filming and it would embarrass him embodied everything that is so perfect about the Scalzo family and their humble operation to ensure Nik succeeds in life whether on the American football pitch or off it.
